Netherlands 2023

At the beginning of October 2023, following our trip to the UK, we took the train from London to Amsterdam (via the chunnel).

(Click on each photo for a larger version.)

A few of the places we visited in Amsterdam did not allow photos, but we did spend time walking around this very picturesque city.

  • A view of one of the many Amsterdam canals, taken from one of the bridges over the canal. People live  in the houseboats on the sides of the canal. They are connected to power, water, and sewer for year-round living.
  • A somewhat narrower canal, with no room for houseboats.
  • Canals are very prevalent in Amsterdam.
  • An evening view of one of the canals.
  • Further from the center of the city, there was more green space on the sides of the canals.
  • The streets are very narrow, and difficult for motor vehicles. Bicycles are a favorite method of transportation.
  • The King's palace. (It wasn't open for visitors.)
  • Someone disturbed the pigeons in front of the palace.
  • The peace monument, across the street from the palace.
  • We visited the Jewish Museum, but unfortunately it was one of the places photos were not allowed. We also toured the Anne Frank home, which also did not allow photos.

Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam

On Saturday, we traveled to Kinderdijk, a UNESCO World Heritage Site featuring windmills. It was one of the special days in Kinderdijk (Windmill Day), where most of the windmills were operating. We also were able to go inside a functioning windmill. Check out the photos and video!

  • One of the many windmills at Kinderdijk.
  • A view looking down the canal with windmills.
  • The living room inside one of the windmills. (Most of the 19 windmills at Kinderdijk are inhabited.)
  • A view looking out the window on one of the windmills.
  • Inside, there are large wooden gears. Be sure to check the video to see the gears in motion.
  • Pay attention to the danger sign. The blades are moving fast, and get quite close to the ground.
  • This windmill looks a little different than the rest.
  • Another view of multiple windmills.
  • The sails can be rolled up and stowed when the windmills is not in use. Notice the person on the ground stowing the sail. (Check the video to watch how the sails are stowed.)

Kinderdijk Kinderdijk Kinderdijk Kinderdijk Kinderdijk Kinderdijk Kinderdijk Kinderdijk Kinderdijk

Watch the short video of the windmills at Kinderdijk, including views from inside a functioning windmill and rolling up the sails. (Best viewed full screen.)

One way to get an overview of a city is the numerous "hop-on, hop-off" bus tours, which allow you to take plenty of time at each stop then catch the next bus to continue. As we were leaving from Amsterdam's Schiphol airport, we noticed someone who managed the airport parking shuttles had a sense of humor. Eventually, though, it was time to go home.

Schiphol Schiphol


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